The National Council today adopted the Budget Appropriation Bill 2020-2021 along with all the temporary fiscal measures proposed by the National Assembly to meet the cost of recurrent expenditure for 2020-2021.
The House also endorsed the Supplementary Budget Appropriation Bill for the financial year 2019-2020 and passed the National Budget report 2020-2021 with seven recommendations.
Some of the major recommendations adopted by the House in the National Budget Report 2020-2021 include establishing a cold chain to link farmers to the market outlet in addition to building cold storages. The recommendation also includes the provision of transportation of produce by refrigerated van to maintain the quality of products for a longer duration and enhance movement of fresh produce within the country.
The House also recommended continuing allocation of new mines and those mines whose leases expire to the State Mining Corporation Limited till the process of amending the Mines and Minerals Management Act is completed in the Parliament. The House also proposed establishing a CSI Estate in Eastern Bhutan to ensure balanced regional development and access to economic opportunities and facilities.
With regard to Punatshangchu I hydroelectric project, the House recommended the government to immediately commission an independent third party to study the current problems and issues at the project site and find a feasible solution.
In addition, while the endowment fund for crop and livestock conservation has increased to Nu 69.66 M, it is not yet operational to cater its benefit to those affected by wildlife. Thus, the House recommended making this fund operational as soon as possible so that the affected people can be compensated in a beneficial and timely manner.
Besides, considering the difficult time the nation is going through and the urgent need to ensure prudent public expenditure, the National Council proposed that the Finance Ministry in collaboration with relevant agencies come up with realistic expenditure measures.
The recommendations will be deliberated at the National Assembly for final adoption tomorrow.
Sonam Pem/Phub Gyem