The loan repayment deferment scheme for the students who went to Japan under ‘Learn and Earn’ programme, saw 128 students registering for the scheme so far, since the implementation this month.
The Labour Minister, Ugyen Dorji, shared this during the Friday media meet today. He said interested students have been asked to register for the scheme.
“We announced about the scheme through our website on March 5, asking students who went to Japan through ‘learn and earn’ programme and also the students who came back to register with the ministry.”
He also added the ministry will look into the possibilities of visiting Japan for the procedure.
“With their students’ visa expiring next month, they do not have much time to stay there, there might be lots of students who couldn’t register due to so many reasons. In order to make this procedure convenient for the students, we are planning to go there. We are in the process of discussing it.”
Following the repeated requests from the students of the programme and their parents, the government implemented the loan repayment deferment scheme from the beginning of this month.
With this scheme in place, the loan repayment was deferred by two years for university graduates and four years for class XII students, irrespective of whether they are still in Japan or not.
Currently, more than 600 Bhutanese youths are in Japan under this programme. And about 100 students have returned to the country, last year.
The students took a loan of about Nu 700, 000 each under the overseas education and skill development loan scheme to study and work in Japan.