Enhancing private sector and civil society organisations’ (CSO) involvement through Cottage and Small Industries (CSI) was one of the key discussions at 14th Round Table Meeting (RTM) says the Foreign Minister.
He co-chaired the meeting along with UNDP Administrator and UN Under-Secretary-General Achim Steiner.
At the Friday media meet today, he said it has been difficult to attract billionaires to invest in Bhutan because of the small market, inaccessible and remoteness.
“But now through the CSIs, we are hoping to attract investors. This would help our cottage and small industries with niche products that the government will assist in finding the markets through our missions abroad.”
The foreign minister added that the meeting was an opportunity to seek partnerships with the development partners.
“As we graduate from LDC, it is no more about putting a hand out for aid. But to ask for partnerships and what the partners are asking is what Bhutan can offer. So Bhutan has many things to offer- the way we manage our environment, our development paradigms, the way our democracy has been nurtured, the peacefulness of Bhutan. So we have to build on.”
Echoing the foreign minister’s remarks, the Prime Minister Dr Lotay Tshering said the RTM paved the path for Bhutan to collaborate further with her development partners.
“All the donor agencies are willing to sit down with us and hear us out on where they can help. The meeting has really opened the door for further discussions. Now the ball is in our court. We have to get our thoughts in black and white and go and talk to them.”
The RTM meeting, which ended in Thimphu yesterday, is the highest forum for policy dialogue between the government and its development partners.
The next RTM is expected to take place after three years from now.