The 10th annual conference for engineers, architects and planners this year seeks to work out strategies to strengthen professionalism and accountability in the construction industry.
The three-day conference began on Sunday and is currently underway at Panbang in Zhemgang.
Around two hundred engineers, architects and Planners from the Ministry of Works and Human Settlement (MoWHS) along with participants from the Construction Association of Bhutan and Construction Development Board are attending the conference. The participants will share ideas and discuss a number of topics that include assuring quality infrastructure and disaster management systems as well as on employment generation.
“Quality and accountability is such a vast subject and it’s very complicated, although everybody keeps on trying to improve this but not easy because it has to be dealt with holistically. So, that’s why MoWHS, being a leading agency in the construction industry, professionally we felt that it’s our responsibility to improve,” said Tenzin, the Director-General for Department of Roads.
Speaking at the event, the Works and Human Settlement Minister, Dorji Tshering spoke on the importance of performing duties professionally and on fulfilling mandates.
“This year, how we do is little different mainly because of what we are planning to do and not to discuss accountability and quality in everything. What we are planning to do is to deal and come up with few important critical resolutions which are doable, practical and which we can make a difference in two to three years time. So, we will come up with a few but very important resolutions that we will make sure, we will implement. So, that’s why, this conference is very important for us,” he added.
The conference will also have a session on the draft National Quality Policy.
Pema Samdrup