Bhutan is a host to more than 11,000 species of biodiversity as per the Biodiversity statistics of Bhutan released yesterday. The figure accounts for 0.8 per cent of the total biodiversity recorded for the world. There are 1.4 million species of biodiversity listed in the world to date.
Plant and animal species account for more than 93 per cent of the 11,000 plus species. The country recorded 5,114 species of animals and 5,369 for species of plants. Although not so significant, there are also a number of species of fungi, bacteria, chromista and protista in the country.
The country’s biodiversity also includes a number of plant and animal species listed as vulnerable, endangered or critically endangered in the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List of threatened species. The country is home to 15 vulnerable, 20 endangered and 13 critically endangered seed plants.
Bhutan hosts 13 vulnerable, 11 endangered and two critically endangered mammal species. Likewise, the country has 22 vulnerable, four endangered and four critically endangered bird species. There are also eight vulnerable and three endangered fish species, 11 vulnerable, five endangered and two critically endangered amphibians, and one vulnerable butterfly.
A number of these species are protected by the country’s Forest and Nature Conservation Act 1995 and Forest and Nature Conservation Rules and Regulations 2017.
The biodiversity statistics of Bhutan 2017 is the first publication presenting accurate and up to date status of the country’s biodiversity. The National Biodiversity Centre published the statistics to strengthen the biodiversity statistics information for policy guidance, informed decision-making and for successful implementation of conservation plans for Bhutan’s flora and fauna. The centre will be publishing the statistics annually henceforth to keep records of the number of species as well as new records and discoveries made in Bhutan.