The Office of the Attorney General (OAG) forwarded a case of alleged bribery and forgery to the Gelegphu Dungkhag Court today.
As per the OAG, a site engineer, a private contractor and five other individuals are alleged to have involved in the case during the construction of Gelegphu Domestic Airport in 2011.
The OAG says the site engineer had received Nu 1500,000 from the contractor for helping him during the airport construction period.
The OAG also says the site engineer used the money to buy a vehicle and 35 decimals of land in Gelegphu, which was registered in his father-in-law’s name.
The OAG is charging the contractor for bribing the site engineer and evading the tax amount of more than Nu 10 M by claiming fake labour payments and construction material procurement bills.
According to the investigation report, the contractor had also prepared fake cheques of procuring concertina wires- which the site engineer too had validated on the cheque.
Similarly, another five individuals of the company and a private consultancy are also being charged for forgery, aiding and abetting in the case.
The case came to the limelight following the audit by the Royal Audit Authority (RAA).
It was forwarded to the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) in August 2016. As per the RAA’s audit report submitted to the ACC, the site engineer and the contractor colluded and claimed false estimates of iron wire fencing works at the airport.