ECB advises people to refrain from activities involving public gathering

The third parliamentary election for National Council is likely to take place between February and May and the National Assembly between August and October, next year.

Therefore, to ensure free and fair elections, the Election Commission of Bhutan (ECB) advises the general public to plan programmes and activities involving public gathering and avoid such activities during this time period.

“This is not because ECB does not respect the customs or religion but it is because the commission respect these two aspects so much that we do not want the sanctity of the religion to be mixed up with the  politics,” said the head of Department of Civic and Electoral Training, Phub Dorji.

“Because, in such gathering people can blame anybody. We might talk intentionally or unintentionally. When its politics, we talk about any of the parties and that can be viewed as an issue by another party and that way things are getting mixed up.”

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