Multi-party platform launched

Multi-party platform launchedHer Majesty the Queen Mother, Dorji Wangmo Wangchuck graced the launch of multi-party platform, Bhutan Democracy Dialogue (BDD), today.

Bhutan Democracy Dialogue, the first of its kind in the country is expected to facilitate, nurture and strengthen democracy.

The initiative of dialogue was conceptualised jointly by the five political parties.

BDD will aim to achieve mature democratic culture, vibrant democracy, build human and institutional capacity of the political parties to strengthen and nurture the Bhutanese democracy.

BDD’s Chairperson, Lily Wangchhuk said the country’s small-knit society was divided along the party lines in the last two elections and that Bhutan has experienced, in varying degrees, the ills of democracy.

“We believe political cooperation through inter-party dialogue is an important cornerstone for effective and sustainable democracy, conflict prevention and peace-building and regaining public’s confidence in the democratic system.”

Lily Wangchhuk said BDD believes it can provide a common platform for all political parties to build greater understanding amongst them.

With the support of Danish Institute for Parties and Democracy, BDD has drawn out various programs for next two years.

Bhutan Democracy Dialogue will be guided by the steering committee. The steering committee will have two representatives from the five political parties and Election Commission of Bhutan. They will meet quarterly.

Some members of the committee said that the in the long run, BDD would be confronted by some challenges like funding, legal issues, independence status, consensus and cooperation among the members of the committee.

BDD is expected to remain inactive prior to elections.

The website and logo of the BDD was also launched during the event.

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