This year records the highest teachers attrition in the last ten years according to the recently released annual education statistics 2018. A total of 355 teachers left the profession between 2017 and 2018, which means at least 30 teachers quit teaching every month.
Of the total, 263 voluntarily resigned, 60 superannuated, 7 compulsorily retired, 10 left upon contract expiration and 15 due to unfortunate events.
Similarly, teachers leaving from middle secondary school reached the highest at 119 followed by 94 in higher secondary last year.
Likewise, from 2,716 teachers who left the profession in the last ten years, primary school teachers stood highest at 784, followed by higher and middle secondary schools at 707 and 681 respectively.
As per the report, there are 9,574 teachers in 8,824 government schools and 750 in private schools.