Tama High School remains unused after Nu 80 M investment

After the government spent over Nu 80 M to purchase and refurbish the Tama High School in Zhemgang, the school has yet to hold its first class. Despite recruiting staff, acquiring a school bus, computer equipment, and everything else necessary for a school, there are no students in attendance. Now, the school and its equipment are left idle, exposed to the mercy of natural elements. Residents are questioning the education and skills development ministry’s attempts to open a higher secondary school.

People are calling the school a waste of money. Formally a private school, the government spent almost Nu 65 M in 2018 to buy the school.

A further Nu 16 M was spent in 2021 to maintain the water supply and construct additional toilets. Slated to open in 2022, the school has yet to register its first student. The reason is fewer students in the district.

People are now disappointed with the ministry’s inability to find a suitable solution for the school.

“The government invested a huge amount in this school. Purchased all the equipment and now it is disappointing to see it all get damaged. From the people’s side, a vocational training institute will benefit the people of Khenrig Nam Sum,” said Phuntsho, a resident of Tingtibi.

“Renovation was done, office equipment installed, and many other things required were purchased, I am told. It is a waste of government resources after spending a huge budget,” said Tshering Choden, a resident of Tama.

“It has been two years since we were told the school will open. It is not happening. If it does open, it will benefit the people here,” said Gem Lham, also a resident of Tama.

People are now pinning their hopes on the school being converted to a vocational training institute as promised by finance minister, Lekey Dorji, during his election campaign.

The district administration on the other hand did not comment on the issue saying the education and skills development ministry will take a decision and issue directives accordingly.

The BBS learnt that officials have raised concerns about computers and other electrical equipment being damaged by moisture.

Excluding Tama, the district has two higher secondary schools.

Pema Samdrup, Zhemgang

Edited by Sherub Dorji

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