His Holiness the Je Khenpo consecrates Denchencholing Densa- Wangdue Phodrang

His Holiness the Je Khenpo consecrated Denchencholing Densa, a newly-built Lhakhang at Gangjab in Wangdue Phodrang’s Nyisho Gewog today. The monastery built at a cost of 40 million ngultrum is sponsored by Khenpo Penjor who is from the village. The Chiwog did not have a monastery so far. Thousands of devotees attended the consecration ceremony.  

Construction works of the Lhakhang began in 2019. According to Khenpo Penjor, the monastery was built on the advice of the late Je Khenpo Jetsun Tenzin Dhoendup.   

Khenpo Penjor said, “The  Lhakhang is an embodiment of His Holiness the late Je Khenpo Jetsun Tenzin Dhoendup’s aspiration for the chiwog. For it to be consecrated by His Holiness the Je Khenpo is a blessing that is truly unmatched because the lama who administers the consecration has to be someone highly revered. So we couldn’t ask for anyone better.”

Edited by Kipchu

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