Monthly Archives: December, 0

NC proposes to amend a section of the SAARC Development Fund Charter

The Economic Affairs Committee of the National Council proposed to amend a section of article 5 of the SAARC Development Fund Charter. This was...

Trading White Gold

Blame it on climate change - paddy cultivation in the country is challenged with a series of threats. The most persistent is the drying-up...

Service provisions for Person’s with Disabilities.

Service Provisions for Persons with Disabilities provided by different Civil Society Organization.

In conversation with the president of the Rotary Club of Bhutan

In conversation with the president of the Rotary Club of Bhutan

Bhutan This Week

Bhutan This Week

Panel on Eliminating Violence against Women.

Panel on Eliminating Violence against Women.

Bhutan This Week

Bhutan This Week

In Transition

In Transition

His Majesty The King arrives in Thimphu after completing a Royal Tour of the southern dzongkhags

His Majesty The King arrived in Thimphu today after completing a Royal Tour of the southern dzongkhags. His Majesty and the entire Royal entourage entered a 7-day facility quarantine in Thimphu, after being tested for COVID-19. During the Tour, His Majesty visited Phuentshogling, Samtse and Gelegphu.

‘Passed, yet Not Passed’, the confusion over raising the retirement age, National Assembly

The motion to increase the retirement age of civil servants to 60 put forward in the National Assembly today ended in confusion. While the show of hands passed both the motions, it could not be passed when the House did electronic voting in the end. The motion was put forward by the Dewathang- Gomdar's Member of Parliament (MP).
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