Monthly Archives: December, 0

Increasing number of vehicles impacts air quality

Rapid increase in the number of cars is deteriorating the air quality, according to Bhutan State of the Environment Report 2016. The report says increasing vehicle population adds greenhouse gas emission in the air.

Discussion on anger management held

The Royal Thimphu College held a panel discussion on anger management with a particular focus on using mind and mindfulness to deal with anger, yesterday.

Unidentified body cremated

Tsirang police, dzongkhag officials and Dratshang jointly cremated an unidentified body, today. Even after 12 days since the body was found, no one had turned up to claim the body.

Bhutan observes World Cerebral Palsy Day for the first time

Acceptance and misconception remain a challenge for people with cerebral palsy in Bhutan. To break down these barriers, World Cerebral Palsy Day was observed for the first time in Bhutan, today.

GoI hands over a cheque of Nu 500 M to Bhutan

The Government of India (GoI) handed over a cheque of over Nu 500 M to Bhutan for GoI Project Tied Assistance project. The fund is to blacktop Gewog Connectivity Roads.

Bhutanese designer introduces Eco-friendly clothing line

A Bhutanese designer, Chandrika Tamang has introduced a new clothing line, CDK. She uses only natural dyes on natural fabric.

Indian biker dies in an accident

An Indian tourist, 31, from Guwahati died on the spot after his motorbike skidded and went under the front wheel of a truck.

His Majesty grants audience to volunteers of DeSuung

His Majesty The King granted an Audience to volunteers participating in the 21st DeSuung training programme at Tencholing in Wangdue Phodrang, yesterday.

Judiciary Integrity and ethics training held in Paro

The President of the Bhutan National Legal Institute, Her Royal Highness Princess Sonam Dechan Wangchuck graced the opening of the Judiciary Integrity and ethics training in Paro, yesterday.

Druk PNB lowers interest rates

Druk Panjab National Bank clients can now avail loans at lower interest rates starting, today. The bank has lowered its interest rates from 1 to 3.5 percent on its various loan products. Druk PNB is the last financial institution in the country to revise its lending interest rates following the introduction of Minimum Lending Rate of 6.75 percent by the central bank.
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