The country is likely to experience a slightly hotter summer with more rainfall this year. According to the National Centre for Hydrology and Meteorology’s outlook for rainfall and temperature, rainfall will be slightly more than normal this monsoon, that is between June and September. Normal rainfall and temperature refer to the average rainfall and temperature recorded over the last 27 years.
The National Centre for Hydrology and Meteorology presented the forecast to officials from various stakeholders during its 10th National Climate Outlook Forum in the capital, today.
The average temperature from June to September is also likely to be slightly above normal.
“One of the factors is something called the El Nino Southern Oscillation or the ENSO. The current state is neutral but we are forecasting it to become a La Nina state this summer. So, because of that it can enhance the monsoon winds and can cause more rain than normal. However, these factors can always change and sometimes it would not come as early as we think, so in that case, we will update our outlook,” said Dechen Lhamo Gyeltshen, meteorology officer at NCHM.
The astrological outlook from the Pangrizampa College of Astrology was also presented during the forum.
There are similar predictions with the forecast from the Pangrizampa College of Astrology predicting storms and heavier rainfall in the northern parts of the country.
“The forecast predicts that the agricultural yields will be bountiful. However, it is also likely to have more contagious diseases. For this, we recommend performing kurim and citing prayers to avoid the risk,” said Sonam Rinchen, Vice Principal of Pangrizampa College of Astrology.
Last year, the country experienced a slightly hotter summer with less rainfall than average.
The annual average rainfall during last monsoon was almost 1,800 milimetres.
The centre prepares annual forecasts with inputs from global and regional prediction centres, and national climate data.
Namgay Dema
Edited by Phub Gyem