There was a time when the people of Sheley in Ruebisa Gewog of Wangdue Phodrang produced dairy products for income. Not anymore. Potatoes have now replaced the income source.
Farm mechanization and better profits have led about 20 households of Sheley from dairy to potato farming. And so, the tuber has taken over the fields that were once filled with cattle fodder.
“We supplied dairy products to Rinchenling Shedra. The Shedra used to take butter and cheese from Sheley village. However, from this year, some of our people started selling all their cattle,” said Karma Dorji, the Khothangkha Tshogpa under Ruebisa Gewog.
According to residents, depending on dairy products for income is not easy. They said the income from the dairy products does not justify the work from dawn till dusk with cattle in sun and rain.
“I sold five cows recently due to limited land for growing fodder. Secondly, I don’t have people at home to work and the money is better in the potato business,” said Karma, in Sheley.
According to the Sheley Tshogpa, potato has become the main source of income for the villagers. Acres of fields are filled with the crop today.
“More and more people are now growing potatoes. Earlier, people used to cultivate some other crops in our village as well. But today, they do not grow them much,” he said.
Meanwhile, the district livestock sector has been supplying hybrid cattle so that livestock farming is not completely abandoned. And for now, one can only expect that it stays alive at least as an alternative source of income.
Changa Dorji, Wangdue Phodrang
Edited by Sonam Wangdi