Several parliamentarians in the National Assembly raised their concerns that people in the remote villages are not able to listen to BBS radio. The reasons they cited were mostly due to change in radio frequencies and in some cases, lack of radio signal.
The Jomotshangkha-Martshala MP, Pelzang Wangchuk, said that BBS radio is the only channel through which villagers keep themselves abreast of any developments taking place in the country.
The Information and Communications Minister, D.N. Dhungyel, explained that due to low power voltage in Jomotshangkha-Martshala, it is difficult for the BBS to provide radio service. He said this was the reason put forward by the Bhutan Broadcasting Service in writing to the ministry.
However, the minister assured that the power voltage will be upgraded under the rural electrification project, and the signal glitch will be solved.
Some other parliamentarians also mentioned that due to change in radio frequencies in their constituencies, people have not been able to listen to BBS radio.
The minister responded that in due course of time, he will inform the concerned parliamentarians on when the service will be restored.