Most of the families, affected by the windstorm on December 15, have received Nu. Two Million in total, as insurance claims.
Of the 200 households affected, only 20 households’ claims were rejected.
A strong windstorm last year, had affected over 600 structures in 11 dzongkhags. The worst affected dzongkhags were Haa, Paro and Punakha. The storm blew off roofs of schools, teachers’ quarters, basic health units, outreach clinics, and Lhakhangs.
The worst affected was Kabji gewog in Punakha. Over 100 houses were reported damaged. The Royal Insurance Corporation of Bhutan’s official, Neten Sherub, said of the 100, 90 households received their claims. Kabji Gewog alone received about Nu.1.5 million.
He said the rest of the claims could not be entertained as the house owners had already repaired the damaged roofs before the arrival of their team. Some rejections, he said, was owing to inconsequential damages.