Most community centres in Trashigang lack internet and other facilities to provide services to the people, says the local leaders. This issue was raised during the Trashigang DzongkhagTshogdue, yesterday.
The local leaders also said it is confusing under whose authority the community centres are functioning.
Community Centre services
Community centres were set up in the country to provide easy access and faster services through the use of information technology.
The centers are supposed to provide the government to citizen services like security and forestry clearances. But so far, most of the community centers in the country failed to deliver these services.
In Trashigang almost all the gowegs have a community centre each. But most of the community centres are not fully equipped to provide the services to the people. Kangpara Gewog in Trashigang is one of the gewogs who still do not have Internet access and other facilities in their community centre.
Centre Ownership
During the Dzongkhag Tshogdue in Trashigang, local leader also questioned if the gewog administration has the authority to look after the community centres.
Currently the community centres are set up under the gewog administration but managed by the Bhutan Postal Corporation.
The Gups also raised their concerns regarding the untrained operators placed in the community centres.