The 2nd television Channel of the Bhutan Broadcasting Service (BBS), the National Radio and Television Service, goes on air from today. Viewers can now watch Live the proceedings of the National Assembly and the National Council simultaneously from tomorrow.
Test transmission of the BBS 2 on terrestrial broadcast has been going on for the past week. The channel has been upgraded on satellite beginning today.
The Chief Engineer, Rajesh Kafley, says viewers can receive the existing channel without any change in the existing set-up. While, for the new channel, cable operators and viewers using independent receivers will have to use MPEG 4 receivers.
The BBS 2 will continue with regular broadcast after the parliament session. The General Manager of the BBS 2, Tashi Dorji, said the channel will carry entertainment programmes, documentaries with a strong component on youth and children’s programming.
The Managing Director of the BBS, Thinley Dorji, said the new channel will help to meet needs of the audience, adding that with just one channel the Public Service Broadcaster is faced with challenges, especially when important national events and parliamentary sessions are taking place.
Bhutan Broadcasting Service has been planning for the 2nd channel since mid-last year.