The joint sitting of the parliament yesterday could not come to a consensus on the Election (Amendment) Bill.
The sticking point was whether providing state funding to political parties is constitutional and whether it is necessary.
The issue saw prolonged and at times heated discussion.
Its supporters argue that state funding is necessary for the survival of the political parties. They say given our small population, registration and membership fees and voluntary contributions cannot financially sustain the political parties.
“If the state does not fund the political parties, the political parties will have no option but to beg from the rich and the powerful. The parliament will then be in their hands,” said the Prime Minister Jigmi Y Thinley.
The Works and Human Settlement Minister, Yeshey Zimba, said “if the political parties accept funds from rich, private individuals, I think we will have to remain blind and deaf when these people commit wrongs.”
The critics however disagree. They argue that providing state funding will only strengthen the existing political parties making it impossible for new parties to emerge thereby limiting the choice of the people.
The issue has been discussed time and again both inside and outside the parliament, among parliamentarians and the public.
To resolve the issue once and for all, the National Council carried out a study, the findings of which were released coinciding with the current parliamentary session.
The study acknowledged the financial problems faced by the political parties but says state funding for political parties is not necessary at this point in time.
The Deputy Chairperson of the National Council, Sonam Kinga, said “the National Council conducted a study to see if there really is a need for state funding. We were not convinced that it is necessary.”
After much deliberation, the house resolved that the joint committees will discuss further and present their decisions to the parliament on January 19.