For the first time, the Department of Information and Media under the information and communications ministry has produced an animated short film based on the popular Bhutanese folklore. The department says the films are to preserve and promote folklore which are very much part of the Bhutanese tradition and culture.
The animation feature of the film was done by the two private animation companies, Druk Green Media and the Athang Training Academy. The short animated film is 20 minutes long and contains some of the famous Bhutanese folklore including Meme Helay Helay.
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“This production has come out to counter the onslaught of foreign content and it is also to encourage the creative industries to base their work on our own local folktales,” said the officiating head of public communications Division under Department of Information and Media, Tshering Dhendup.
The department also hopes to encourage youth to learn more about Bhutanese folklore through this film.