Laya Lower Secondary School in Gasa has been declared as an autonomous school from this year. The school will now be renamed as Laya Central School.
However, at this moment, the school’s infrastructure may not accommodate the planned upgrade.
Established in 1997 as Laya Community Primary School, Laya Lower Secondary School today has close to 150 pre-primary to class eight students.
The planned upgrade is a welcome relief for the locals, but the school infrastructure dates back to when the school was first established.
“We have received command from the Ministry of Education to upgrade our school to ninth grade, but due to shortage of classrooms and lack of teachers, we could not do it this year,” principal Kehndrupla said.
“But the minor facilities provided to other central schools will be provided to Laya Lower Secondary School this year itself.”
The school plans to construct two additional temporary classrooms to accommodate class nine and ten from next year onward.
“I have been talking to gewog officials to construct two temporary classrooms. If they support it, I think the dzongkhag and ministry will provide five additional teachers,” the principal added.
The school is expected to have new structures, such as academic and faculty blocks, hostels and staff residence, constructed in the 12th Five-Year-Plan.