Truck parking in Lhuentse town has remained ideal for quite a few years now. This is because the facility lacks proper access road.
The current state of the designated truck parking, about some metres away from the town is covered in bushes.
“The truck parking near Phaling town was constructed in 2013 or 2014 but it is underused since there is no proper access road leading there,” said Sonam Wangdi, the Thromde Representative in Lhuentse.
Today, most medium and heavy vehicles are seen parked alongside the road in the town area. According to drivers, they have no other options.
“It is inconvenient for the truck drivers. They are forced to park in spaces wherever available. Often times, traffic police chase them. With increasing number of cars, parking has become a problem here,” said Choeten, Bolero driver.
The matter was discussed during the recent Dzongkhag Tshogdu as well. According to the dzongkhag administration, a road towards the parking was constructed a few months back. People claim it was not usable.
Lhuentse Dzongdag Jambay Wangchuk said the dzongkhag administration constructed an access road twice. However, it was damaged due to lack of proper care by the users. He further said the dzongkhag will again construct a road soon but people should take equal responsibility in taking care of the facility.