The Samtse mining case has finally come to an end with the Supreme Court passing its verdict today.
Upholding the verdict of the High Court, the Supreme Court sentenced Sangay Gyeltsen, the former Managing Director of the Natural Resources Development Corporation Limited, to seven years and three months in prison for fraudulently leasing and operating a mine in Samtse.
Nagey, the former mining coordinator, has been sentenced to seven years in prison for deceptive practice in exporting talc from the Budhuney and Allaypakha talc mines.
The Supreme Court has also asked Sangay Gyeltshen to pay Nu.43 million and Nagay Nu.47 million within six months from the day the verdict was passed.
The Supreme Court has changed the decision of the High Court with regards to Dawa Tsering based on the amended income tax act 2001.
He has been asked to pay back Nu. four million. The lower courts directed him to pay Nu.13 million.