For the first time, the preliminary examination for Program for International Student Assessment Development (PISA-D) was held for class IX and X students in the capital.
The three-day exam ended yesterday.
PISA-D is a program to assess the quality and equity of learning outcome of the children, young people and adults.
It is an assessment to test the knowledge of students in subjects such as science, mathematics and reading skills.
The program has been initiated within nine developing countries, including Bhutan.
The preliminary examination aims to prepare the students for the actual PISA-D examination to be held in November this year.
Class IX students, aged fifteen from across the country, will appear the examination.
According to the Principal of Changangkha Middle Secondary School, Nyendo, from the preliminary results, they can give appropriate support to compete in PISA-D examination.
The program will also set a learning standard of Bhutanese students among the international students.
The preliminary examination will also be used as a survey to find out the quality of education based on gender, age and period of study.
“We also wanted to find out whether the one year’s academic makes a difference. In other word whether the class nine will respond better than class 10 or class 10 will respond better than class nine. Then we also wanted to know whether the age factor will make any difference in the PISA assessment,” said BCSEA’s Secretary, Tenzin Dorji.
The Ministry of Education, Royal Education Council and Bhutan Council for School Examinations and Assessment jointly initiated the assessment program in Bhutan.