In the wake of Sarpang town’s destruction by the recent monsoon, the Works and Human Settlement Minister, Dorji Choden met with the plot owners of new Sarpang town.
The flood washed away the entire bazaar area affecting 53 businessmen.
Lyonpo discussed ways to expedite construction at t Shaychathang; identified as new town area.
If plot owners could construct houses at the earliest, Lyonpo Dorji Choden said it will help the flood victims, who do not have space to run business currently.
Lyonpo added the plot owners need not have to construct multi-storied buildings right away. She said they can come up with single or double storied buildings, depending on their financial capacity, with provisions to extend in the future.
“If you take time and delay the construction, they will find new opportunities and may no longer want to stay here.”
Following the meeting, plot owners said they are happy with the outcome of the meeting and are motivated to begin the construction soon.
Plot owners were also shown models of one storied houses. They have been asked to come up with building’s drawing and design, if they want to construct three to four storied buildings.
There are 540 plots in Shaychathang town area. Shaythathang is located along the Gelegphu – Wangdue Highway, nearly two kilometres away from the previous Sarpang bazaar.