The family members of a man, 35, who died when still under detention, have accused the police personnel for the death. The incident happened in Samtse on April 20 when the police had summoned the detainee, from Dophuchen Gewog, for questioning.
He had been detained after his wife had pressed battery charges against him.
The deceased’s brother said he received a call; a couple of hours later, after his brother was summoned, to come to Dorokha Basic Health Unit. When he went to the hospital, he found his brother dead.
He said his sister-in-law, who was with her husband at the time of questioning, told him that the police had used force after he refused to cooperate. He was allegedly under the influence of alcohol.
The brother said the police told him his brother died by suicide which he refuses to believe.
The Royal Bhutan Police headquarter said they would be able to discuss or comment once the investigation is over as it was a custodial death. An independent inquiry team is investigation the case.