A Japanese tourist visiting Bhutan will need to pay only the royalty part, US$ 65, a night in June, July, and August. Tourism Council of Bhutan’s Officials said Japanese tourists will be waived off the daily tourist tariff of US$ 250, a night. Bhutan is offering the special tourism package to Japan to mark the 30 years of diplomatic relationship between the two countries.
The rest of the charges will depend on what kind of services the tourists would prefer while in the county, Chief Tourism Officer, Kinley Wangdi said. “Bhutan Airlines, Drukair, and hotels will be offering discount from their side. Airlines are going up to 50 percent discount and similarly hotels are also extending up to 50 percent discount.”
Foreign Minister, Damcho Dorji and Deputy Resident Representative of Japan International Cooperation Agency, Shota Kano launched the Bhutan-Japan friendship offer, last evening.
Shota Kano said Japan is grateful for Bhutan’s generosity. “…I think because this year is a very special time for us. I strongly believe that through human to human contact between Japan and Bhutan, we can enhance the relation between the two countries”
The first group of Japanese tourists visited Bhutan in 1975; a year after Bhutan opened to tourism. In 2014, more than 2700 Japanese tourists visited the country.
Similarly, to mark the occasion, an investment road-show kicked off yesterday in Japan’s capital, Tokyo. Economic Affairs Minister, Norbu Wangchuk is leading the Bhutanese delegation at the event. They met with some 170 Japanese businessmen.
Japan has been an important development partner since formal relations started between the two countries in 1986. Their assistance has been significant especially in the agriculture sector.