Bhutanese Men are happier than women; also those living in the urban areas are happier compared to those in the rural area. These were some of the findings from the 2nd National GNH survey.
Addressing participants from 48 nations at the International Conference on GNH, Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay said, Gross National Happiness was an important alternative indicator of progress and wellbeing.
Lyonchhen said that Gross National Happiness was what defines Bhutan as a nation.
He said 91.2 percent of Bhutanese enjoy sufficiency in at least half the domains. Further, around 43 percent are moderately or deeply happy.
Compared to the 1st National GNH Survey conducted in 2010, women’s’ GNH increased faster than men. Lyonchhen said there was an overall increase in the GNH index but a good growth rate for GNH was still yet to be identified.
The 6th International Conference on GNH has over 500 international participants from across the globe. This is the 3rd time Bhutan has hosted the conference.