A comprehensive action plan will be implemented, from this month onwards, to prevent suicide in the country. About six Bhutanese died by suicide in a month and an average of 73 suicide cases are reported in a year from 2009-13.
Under the action plan, there are three level of interventions; universal, selective, and indicated.
The universal level will target awareness through responsible media reporting, programs on drugs and alcohol, and parenting programs, among others.
Under selective intervention, individuals with mental illness, and those suffering from addiction and chronic diseases will be targeted. It will also include crisis helplines and gate keeping trainings.
“We have trained our health workers in health helpline centres and also some of our mental health focal person in all district hospitals on basic counselling, crisis management, and some sort of support to prevent suicide,” said health ministry’s Deputy Chief Programme Officer, Tandin Chogyel.
One such action already in place is the counselling related to suicidal issues through the existing Health Help Centre hotline, 112.
Counsellors, health workers and police personnel will be trained in suicide prevention and investigation methods. Counselling and peer helpers’ programmes at the schools and institution level will be improved as well.
The indicated intervention is to have management of suicide behaviours and post-intervention services.
The action plan says there will be standard follow up protocols for individuals with history of self harm and past suicide attempt and post prevention services for suicide survivors.
The plan also looks at involving the religious body in its advocacy efforts.
The plan will be implemented for three years until later half of 2018. Based on the experience of the implementation, the next phase of the suicide prevention action will be launched.
The National Task Force for Suicide Prevention was formed under the directives of the Cabinet.