The Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay, while presenting the State of the Nation report, all the gewogs in the country will have a bank each by the end of next year. Today, of the 205 gewogs, only 19 have banks.
Lyonchhen said one of the main objectives of the government is to provide financial support to the farmers in the country.
“By the end of this year, 50 more gewogs will have their respective banks.” The Prime Minister said, the farmers will not have to walk or travel to dzongkhags for financial transactions with a bank in their gewog.
He also highlighted that the main issue for the agriculture sector today was maintenance of farm roads and irrigation channels.
Lyonchhen said three major irrigation channel re-constructions in Booyang village of Khamdang Gewog, Taklai in Gelegphu and Kuchi Daina in Samtse, are being renovated as well. All of which were the projects initiated by the Fourth Druk Gyalpo.
The constructions will be complete by November 11 this year.
The Prime Minister shared that the agriculture growth rate of Bhutan is still low with only 3 percent.