The highest decision making body of a district, Dzongkhag Tshogdue failed to come to a consensus on Rongri Limestone Mine in Sarpang, this week.
The mine, operated by Bhutan Carbide and Chemicals Limited, has been closed for almost four years after locals refused to give a clearance.
After a prolonged discussion, the Dzongkhag Tshogdue decided on an investigation committee. “The committee in consultation with relevant ministries and agencies will reinvestigate on the matter,” said Sarpang Dzongkhag Tshogdue’s Chairman, Sherab Jamtsho.
The locals had refused the clearance saying the mine, located in Jigme Chhoeling Gewog, about 22 KM away from Gelegphu town towards Zhemgang, affected their crops and environment.
The mining operator had approached the Gewog Tshogdey to resolve the issue.
“We discussed among ourselves and people refused to give clearance for renewal of mining license,” said Jigme Chhoeling’s Mangmi, Kumar Gurung.
He also said the mining operator failed to live up to its promise to build a Basic Health Unit. “They did build the road. But they also built entry gate and started charging Nu.1200 for trucks and Nu.700 for DCM trucks.”
After the gewog failed to redress the issue, it was the Dzongkhag Tshogdue that took it up.
However, there are a few locals who feel that the mining will benefit them. “The government should restrict if it benefits only a few individuals. But if it benefits the public at large then I feel it should be approved,” said Serzhong Gup, Sangay Yonten.