Members of the Association of Wood Based Industries today informed the government that the decision to allow the Natural Resource Development Corporation to establish sawmills in the country would affect private sector growth.
The association members met with the Prime Minister and the Economic Affairs Minister today.
Should the NRDCL establish sawmill and retail outlets, it will displace more than 2,000 employees who are already working in various sawmills across the country.
Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay said NRDCL’s plan to establish sawmills was to set an example to the rest of the sawmill owners in terms of standard and quality.
He mentioned there was a need to standardize quality and price along with time frame for the delivery. He assured that the support needed will be provided if it means benefitting the public at large.
Besides, the association proposed on the need for Wood Craft Centre (WCC) to retain as a training centre. Lyonchhen responded, it reckoned a proper study.
The permission to import at least two labourers in the sawmill was however declined by Lyonchhen. “You should try and employ as many locals as you can,” Lyonchhen said.
There are 330 wood based industries including 114 sawmills and in the country.
About five common problems faced by the owners were discussed during the meeting and was informed the Ministry would answer them by Friday.