The ruling and opposition are pointing the finger at each other over the increasing unemployment rate. In the National Assembly session today, the ruling MPs said the increase of unemployment rate from 2.1 percent to 2.9 percent over the last one year, is the previous government’s doing.
The issue was raised by the Kengkhar-Weringla MP, Rinzin Jamtsho. He questioned the Labour Minister, Ngeema Sangay Tshempo, on the increasing rate of unemployment against the ruling party’s pledge of 100 percent employment.
Lyonpo Ngeema Sangay Tshempo said the previous government is responsible for allowing the economy to suffer. “The previous government had not focused on private sector but rather concentrated only on civil service.”
The Drukjeygang-Tseza MP, Karma Dorji, said employing over 4,000 youth in little more than a year is a big achievement.
The Opposition Leader, Dr. Pema Gyamtsho said the current trend of debate– with the focus more on the policies of the previous government- implies the present government’s lack of policies. He said instead of harping on the supposed failures of the previous government, they should work on the way forward.
The Panbang MP, Dorji Wangdi said the previous government had brought down unemployment, in fact more than targeted.
The debate was likely to continue, with several MPs raising their hands, but was cut-short by the Speaker, given the time constraint.