(Update): Druk Phuensum Tshogpa (DPT) says they will withdraw the libel lawsuit they have filed against Dasho Paljor.J Dorji, if he apologises. DPT’s rebuttal statement had carried on today as well.
The rebuttal statement says if the Special Adviser to the National Environment Commission, Dasho Paljor J. Dorji, popularly known as Dasho Benji, issues a public apology through court, DPT will not pursue the case further.
The statement says the apology should say the comment Dasho posted on the Facebook was made just in jest and not meant to accuse the DPT of, “robbing the country blind”, as per Dasho’s statement to the court.
Dasho Benji’s lawyer will present their argument to the court on December 11.