The 9.3 kilometre farm road between Japhong and Subrang village under Trong Gewog in Zhemgang had failed to serve its purpose.
The road, which costs Nu.6 million MN, is hardly usable, say the locals. Huge boulders block the road most of the time. Landslide, erosion and rough surface of the road, add to the problem.
The construction of the road was completed in 2013.
The Trong Gewog has put up a proposal for additional fund of Nu. 500,000 for the maintenance, which is likely to come through, in November.
Trong’s Gewog Administrative Officer, Karma Tenzin, says the Subrang terrain is fragile and a little rainfall triggers landslides.
The farm road is supposed to benefit 190 people living in Subrang village. The construction was funded through Small Development Project.