Customers and automobile workshop owners at Olakha in Thimphu are expressing their dissatisfaction on the infrastructure provided by the government. They say the concerned authority needs to do more about the workshop area.
About six years has passed since the workshop at Olakha was established. Since than, the road network and drainage systems along the area remain uncared-for. Most people visiting the area say, the automobile workshop area is one of the places neglected by the government.
Passersby complain of dust on sunny day, and filth and water in the potholes during rainy days.
Some of owners whose automobile workshop was constructed 3 years ago still do not have a proper road and drainage system.
The President of the Automobile Association says the need for good road connectivity and drainage system in the area has become crucial for both the businessmen and their customers.
Meanwhile, Thimphu Thrompon, Kinlay Dorjee says, the infrastructure at the workshop area has been compromised, as there was no clear mandate on which agencies will monitor the automobile area.
He also says that the renovation would take another year.
Until 2015, both the automobile owners and the customers will have to cope with the current infrastructure.