The 22nd Round of the Bhutan-China Boundary Talks was held in Shanxi Province in China on Friday.
The Bhutanese delegation was led by Foreign Minister Rinzin Dorje and the Chinese delegation by the Vice Foreign Minister Liu Zhenmin.
During the cordial talk, the two sides took positive and constructive decisions towards the resolution of the boundary issue.
They endorsed the Joint Report of the Joint Technical Field Survey of Bayul Pasamlung carried out in September, last year.
The meeting also decided that the Expert Group on the boundary issue will meet in Bhutan later this year to work out the modalities for carrying out the Joint Technical Field Survey of the disputed areas in the Western Sector.
The Boundary Talks between Bhutan and China began in 1984.
Bhutan and China signed the Guiding Principles on the Settlement of the Boundary Issues in 1988 and the Agreement on Maintenance of Peace and Tranquility along the border areas in 1998. These two agreements form the basis for the boundary negotiation between Bhutan and China.
The next Round of the Bhutan-China Boundary Talks will be held in Bhutan, next year.