The clubs members of Sonam Tshering; the winner of the Dragon Mountain Bike Race 2010, still has a case pending with the Police after a car nearly killed one of the cyclists.
Even as many living in Thimphu city are taking up bicycling, they feel lack of a proper bicycle lane is compromising their safety.
Sonam Tshering says the capital city deserves a proper bicycle lane.
“We were told that there was a plan to built 17 kilometre off-road lane around the vicinity of Thimphu,” said Karma Loday, who took up cycling to stay fit.
Since the lane is yet to come through, Karma Loday believes educating drivers, especially cab drivers, on yellow lane should be an alternative.
Even the yellow lane, a few cyclists say, is too narrow and that the riders would be vulnerable to accidents.
“Constructing a lane in and around Thimphu Thromde would incur huge money,” said Thimphu Thrompon, Kinlay Dorjee. He said they will have to come up with kilometres of dividers that wouldn’t allow the cars to come into the lane. “It will be expensive and I don’t think Thimphu Thromde would able to provide such facility.”
Instead, the Thrompon says, motorists should respect that yellow lane. But the light understanding is yet to dawn upon many motorists.