The National Council said the government’s decision to allow the import of second hand electric cars is in contradiction to the idea of conserving environment. The Gasa member Sangay Khandu posted on facebook: “The Prime Minister, Head of Government driving a Nissan Tesla electric car (probably not procured by Government & very expensive) and the Government procuring 30-40 used Nissan leaf electric cars against existing laws and rules of the land maybe seen as probable cause for conflict of interest.”
The government approved the import of second electric Nissan Leaf vehicles earlier in March. The vehicles need to have a mileage of less than 30,000 kilometres.
The main rationale behind promoting electric cars, according to the Prime Minister, was to continue Bhutan’s policy of environmental conservation and as a possible remedy to the existing economic strain from a large volume of fossil fuel imports.
The idea however was not welcomed by most Council members, as they discussed in the House today. Although they appreciated the idea of promoting electric cars, they said it could be a problem in the future to find the spare parts.
Most members expressed concerns that Bhutan might become a dumping ground for other countries trying to dispose their used cars if the government’s decision is considered.
The Deputy Chairperson, Tshering Dorji, said the government should have tabled this issue for discussion before the decision was made.
The issue has, however, been kept on hold as the House intends to discuss it again next week