Many farmers in Bumthang are turning to commercial organic vegetable cultivation. From two groups in 2008, there are currently nine organic vegetable farmers’ group in the dzongkhag. Now, the problem is market. The groups say lack of market to sell their produce has become a challenge now.
Vegetable business was lucrative once, they say. Today, due to increasing number of farmers taking up commercial vegetable production there is a decline in market. Farmers also said imported vegetables from India are also a big competition.
“Since last year we did not get much profit. This year we are planning to sell our vegetables at a discount price.
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“The challenge in organic vegetable is that harmful pests attract vegetables and people do not buy. Also vegetable growers in Bumthang have increased drastically over the years, which is also a big competition,” says Phub Zangmo, a member of one of the farmers’ group.
Many agree that pests and insects are a problem. “If we can get rid of pests, locally produced vegetables can earn a decent profit. But in recent years, insects and pests affected our vegetables. During rainy season, even torrential rain destroys vegetables,” says Phurba, a member of another famers’ group.
Meanwhile, to address the problem the dzongkhag agriculture sector has been conducting several meetings with the local vegetable growers. The farmers were advised to diversify their products, instead of growing same products. The sector is also exploring possible markets for the organic vegetables.
“Bumthang is a very small dzongkhag and we have a very less customer here in Bumthang due to which we have a problem. Since last year we have an agreement with the Mangdechhu project, links with the hotel association of Bumthang and also we have tried to make arrangements with the schools and Dratshangs to sell the organic vegetables. I think from this year the problem will be solved,” says Gaylong, the Dzongkhag Agriculture Officer, Bumthang.
The vegetable cultivation season in Bumthang starts from February.