To further strengthen the existing collaboration between animal and public health in managing zoonotic diseases, a three-day symposium, with the concept of One Health, was conducted in Phuentshogling.
The meeting, which ended today, saw discourses on emerging infectious diseases and overview of zoonotic diseases in the country among other related issues.
According to the organizers, through the symposium, stakeholders like the department of Public health, Livestock and Bhutan Agriculture and Food Regulatory Authority will prioritize zoonotic diseases in the country. They will come out with strategies to prevent and control such diseases. It will also help the stakeholders come up with an effective organizational structure to function during out breaks of zoonotic diseases.
Certain outcomes of this National One health symposium will also be taken forward to the Regional One Health conference among the member countries scheduled for next month.
Veterinary doctors, human doctors, officials from BAFRA, Royal Institute for Health Science and College of Natural Resources took part in the meeting.