“Projects funded by the European Union in Bhutan are well-implemented and have made a difference in the lives of Bhutanese people”, says the Chair of the European Parliamentary delegation for relations with South Asia, Jean Lambert.
After a week-long visit to a few of the dzongkhags, where EU projects are being implemented, the delegation was pleased to observe the projects being well-executed. The chair of the delegation said, it is good to know that EU -assisted projects have helped improve the livelihoods of Bhutanese.
“What we have been told is that these projects were making difference that people’s income was improving, that people’s nutrition was improving, that it was becoming easier for the children to go to school for lot of them could travel easily.”
The delegation shared that owing to such observations, the European Union would like to continue providing funds to Bhutan. “…we could see that projects that you have asked us to fund are well-designed and actually have benefits that they are expected to bring,” said Jean Lambart.
EU assisted projects cover areas like agriculture, livestock, good governance, renewable natural resources, disaster management and climate change. Diplomatic relations between the EU and Bhutan were established in 1985.