The Right to Information (RTI) Bill in Bhutan is also proving to be divisive, said the Prime Minister at the meet the press, today. Lyonchhen Tshering Tobgay said they have been cautioned that it will constrain the government’s ability to govern and on the other hand, there will be those calling for more free access to information.
The Prime Minister said the legislative committee will carry out several public consultations before the bill is enacted. He said the bill beyond the hands of the cabinet as it was already presented in the parliament.
“We will assist legislation committee in any form or manner required. But we can’t pre-empt their work. What I can confirm is that we are receiving very extreme views…”
Lyonchhen said the bill is with the legislative committee and they are going to discuss with the public. “We hope that we will come up with the balance that is acceptable for the whole country.
The Prime Minister also assured that the bill will be thoroughly discussed with the local government and communities. “It constitute majority of the population as they feel that the bill has not addressed the need of the act.”
The economic affairs minister, Norbu Wangchuk, said people are ready for the act given its advantages.
“If you see the benefits of the bill, it is about good governance, transparency, curbing corruption, delivering quality services, these are all fruits of the RTI Bill. I have no met not a single people who are not ready for these services.”
The bill will once again be tabled for the discussion in the winter session of the parliament.