(Update): For the last 10 days no heavy vehicles could ply towards Lhuentse as the road at Dorji Lung, popularly known as Rothpashong was partly washed away. A temporary bridge has now been constructed by the Construction Development Corporation (CDC), to connect the road and make it manageable for the vehicles to pass.
However, people say that the temporary structure does not ensure safety for the commuters.
Until August 16, only light vehicles could ply despite high risk at the sinking area. The passenger bus service towards Thimphu has not been affected since passengers were trans-shifted.
“To benefit the people of Lhuentse, this is just a temporary bridge, if we construct the bridge with proper base, then it will take about 5 to 6 months. So, people will have to travel very cautiously,” said Sangay Lungten, Senior Manager, CDC.
He added that heavily loaded vehicles, more than 8-9 tonnes, are restrained to ply through the bridge.
Dorji Lung is about 50 kilometres from Lhuentse towards Monggar.