People’s Democratic Party’s (PDP) ideology revolves around Wangtse Chhirpel or empowering people by devolving power and authority. PDP says they believe in placing people at the centre of their development process.
They say they have been working along this line over the years with close consultations with people from all walks of life. One way to achieve this goal of theirs, they believe, is by strengthening local government.
“We empower the Local Government by decentralising the power, both administrative and financial,” said PDP’s Vice-President Damchoe Dorji. He said in the present system the Local Governments (LG) have little power on finance despite having brilliant policies that is best for gewog and dzongkhag. “The centre cannot make decisions at the short notice. It is important to give certain administrative and financial powers to the LG.”
PDP also pledges to initiate an annual grant of Nu.2 million for every gewog. They say the gewogs will have full discretion to use the grant for development projects or related expenses. The party promises to establish a thromde in all the dzongkhags as enshrined in the Constitution.
They Party aims to achieve an annual average economic growth rate of 10 percent in the next five years. Damchoe Dorji said if their Party get to form the government; they will look into addressing rupee crisis and put on a normal footing the current economic situation.
PDP also pledges to improve business system and simplify tax procedures. Bhutan Lottery business will be reinstated as one of the measures to solve rupee crunch. The party also aims to fast track the hydropower projects.
Damchoe Dorji also stressed on the balanced regional development. PDP promises to institute an Eastern Bhutan Development Committee to initiate developments in the eastern parts of the country. The Party also pledges to open three new colleges in the East.
Addressing unemployment issue is also one of the major priorities of PDP. The Party promises to guarantee full employment for the youth.
“In our manifesto, we stated we will attempt to solve unemployment problem through management and skills, especially jobs through training of unemployed youth for employment abroad,” said Damchoe Dorji. “The most important thing is guarantee employment to youth, while we may not be able to do immediately; we need to come out with employment schemes. “
For the women, PDP pledges to draft legislation to ensure 20 percent quota for women in elected offices. The Party also promises to extend the maternity leave for mothers from existing three months paid leave to an additional nine months of relaxed services.
Damchoe Dorji said all their pledges are achievable. “Many People think that our pledges are too ambitious but all that matter is how we organize things financially and how we appropriate the budget at our disposal.”
The other pledges of PDP includes buying two helicopter ambulances for emergency evacuation, initiate special loan schemes for farmers to buy utility vehicles like power tillers and establishing endowment funds like art and culture, education and research.
PDP also promises to initiate a Meet the People program, where the cabinet ministers including prime minister to dedicate at least one day during the weekend to meet the people without appointment.