The president of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Tshering Tobgay, said Druk Phuensum Tshogpa (DPT) has criticised PDP’s promises to the public. He was speaking to PDP’s party supporters, coordinators and the residents of Punakha, today.
During an hour long PDP’s campaign, which kick off today, Tshering Tobgay, said DPT should not have criticized PDP’s promises. “All the promises made during the campaign will be kept,” he reiterated, while saying the promises are not something that are infeasible.
Tshering Tobagy also said DPT has misinformed the public on candidates from Druk Nyamrup Tshogpa joining PDP. He said if DPT thinks it is a coalition, they should take the matter to the court.
“We formed the party according to electoral laws. If it was coalition we have formed, Election Commission could have taken action against us,” said PDP’s president.
Many rumors afloat against PDP are untrue, Tshering Tobgay, told the gathering. He said people should carefully weigh the merits of the parties so that they make an informed choice.
Tshering Tobgay also spoke on PDP’s manifesto.