Army worms have been eating away all the paddy saplings in Paro. Nine gewogs of the 10 in Paro have been overrun by army worms.
Farmers in the dzongkhag are worried that they will have no harvest, this year.
They have, however, been advised to use pesticides.
The Paro Dzongkhag Agricultural Officer, Rinzin Wangchuk, said it has been about five days since they first received report of worms. He says the weather is to blame for the surge in infestation. Army worms thrive in humid conditions.
Paro is among seven dzongkhags to have reported cases of army worm outbreak. The first case was reported in Punakha. The other dzongkhags include Lhuentse, Monggar, Zhemgang, Bumthang, and Wangdue Phodrang.