As Bhutan marked the World Malaria Day today in Gelephu Health Ministry said malaria cases in the Country has declined drastically. The figure went down from 40,000 in 1994 to just 82 cases in 2012. Deaths due to malaria have also come down from 48 then to just one last year.
The Director General of the Department of Medical Services, Dr. Ugyen Dophu, said the ministry is working towards elimination of malaria. “If there is one case in 10,000 it is called elimination but it will be very difficult because there has to be similar programmes in neighbouring states as well. If the programmes carried out are in Bhutan only it will be difficult but we are trying hard. There are many other programmes carried out by health department to address malaria.”
Health officials said the decline has been made possible because of improved socio-economic development and with support from global fund to fight aids, tuberculosis and malaria (GFATM). They also distribute treated mosquito nets and carry out Indoor Residual Spray twice a year. Meanwhile, spraying of IRS in Gelephu has already begun.
The Chief Programme Officer of VBDC in Gelephu, Rinzin Namgay, said summer has begun and people should be careful.
“Last year from January till April there were 28 cases reported in the country and this year just three cases have been reported till April.”
There are two types of malaria. The symptoms are nausea and vomiting, fever and joint pain. It takes a week to show the symptoms after the bite. The Dzongkhags along the southern border are prone to malaria.