To empower young girls with self-development skills essential in their adolescence, RENEW, a non-profit organisation, organised a week-long winter youth engagement programme in Thimphu. More than 30 female students aged 13 to 18 years from various schools across the country attended the programme titled “Menchung Bum”. The programme ended on 12th January.
The programme provided girls with practical skill-building sessions such as basic information and communication technology skills to address digital issues like cyberbullying.
They were taught about comprehensive sexuality education, peer counselling, basic financial and entrepreneur literacy, and tech and cyber safety education.
Participants were also engaged in making arts and crafts and zumba exercises for physical health.
“Through this programme, we have made a lot of friends. This programme teaches us how to be ourselves and how to live by ourselves. We have also learnt about gender equality and sex characteristics. In the future, I hope to create awareness in schools and the community,” said Dorji Dolkar, a participant from Jakar Middle Secondary School, Bumthang.
“This programme had a big impact on my life. I learnt about self-esteem which helped me boost confidence and love myself for who I am. I also learnt about the LGBTQ community from the SOGIESC session which I find is very important,” said Tshering Yangzom, a participant from Changangkha Middle Secondary School, Thimphu.
The programme aimed to foster young women with skills to address their vulnerability to societal pressures, self-doubt and challenges.
“We organised this programme for young girls to help empower them to overcome challenges that arise with change in time. Moreover, it is to keep students actively engaged during the winter vacation where they can learn various life skills,” said Dolma, director at the Planning and Coordination Division, RENEW.
RENEW plans to conduct similar programmes during vacations, involving more participants.
Jamyang Loday
Edited by Sonam Pem